Pinnacle Employee Shares Her 9/11 Connection

Joseph Dittmar, 9/11 Survivor.

By: Kristen Boomer, InnovatED Partner Support Coordinator

A decade ago, I was sitting in class at Capital University when I started to wonder where all my classmates were.  Another student popped his head in to say, “class is cancelled, go turn on the news.”  I ran to my friend’s dorm room to see what was happening, and soon learned about the events of September 11th at the World Trade Center in NYC.  Only a few minutes after watching some coverage, I found out that my father was actually in an executive meeting in the South Tower on the 105th floor of the World Trade Center.

In my father’s speech that he gives across the country, he mentions that, by doing his speeches, he “keeps the voices of the 3,000 lost alive, and makes sure that we always remember and never forget what happened on September 11, 2001”.  In just a few days, we will celebrate the tenth anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center in NYC.  Because of my close relationship with the events of 9/11, I want to suggest that we take the proper time to recognize and remember the events of that day, and properly honor those that were lost a decade ago so the voices of those lost are heard again we did not forget, and will always remember.

Please take a few moments to go to the APM Marketplace website to hear survivor stories from 9/11/01, including my father’s, Joseph Dittmar.  Scroll to the middle of the page, and you will find photos to match survivor stories.

A mosaic of these interviews will also be aired on NPR Marketplace on Friday. Feel free to also view a video of my 2009 speech at the Scottsdale Healing Fields (my apologies that it is sideways).

Thank you in advance for your remembrance and respect this week.

~ by pinnaclepov2224 on September 8, 2011.

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